Bunion Surgery and Treatment in Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide

Bunion Surgery and Treatment in Singapore

A bunion is a bump that forms at the base of your big toe, typically due to shoes that are too narrow. This bump can be painful and may cause your big toe to curve inwards, preventing you from being able to wear certain types of shoes comfortably. Surgery can straighten out your big toe and eliminate discomfort while also correcting any other issues caused by your bunions. Check out this comprehensive guide for more information on bunion surgery and treatment.

What is a bunion?

A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of your big toe. The big toe pushes against the next toe, causing the joint to become swollen and painful. Bunions can be caused by many things, including wearing ill-fitting shoes, arthritis, or an inherited foot condition. You may be looking for bunion surgery and treatment in Singapore options if you have a bunion.

Causes of bunions

Bunion Surgery and Treatment in Singapore

Bunions are caused by many things, including genetics, tight shoes, and trauma to the foot. Bunions can also be caused by arthritis or other degenerative joint diseases. Whatever the cause, bunions are a painful condition that can make it difficult to walk or even stand. Fortunately, there is help for this condition. The orthopedic surgeons have experience treating many patients with bunions. With bunion surgery and treatment in Singapore, you will have relief from your pain quickly.

Symptoms of bunions

Bunions are often painful, especially when they rub against shoes. The big toe may point towards the second toe, or the big toe may be pushed up and over the second toe. The skin over the bunion may be red and sore. You may have difficulty finding shoes that fit comfortably. In severe cases, bunions can make it difficult to walk.

Types of Bunions

Bunions can be caused by wearing shoes that don’t fit well, arthritis, or an injury to the foot. There are two types of bunions, hallux valgus and hallux rigidus. Hallux valgus is the most common type of bunion. It occurs when the big toe points toward the second toe. It happens when the big toe can’t move as much as it should. Hallux rigidus is a less common type of bunion.

Conventional Treatments Available

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If you have a bunion, you may wonder about your treatment options. In Singapore, there are a few conventional treatments available for bunions. These include changing your shoes, wearing toe spacers or pads, taking pain relievers, and getting cortisone injections. If these methods don’t work, you may need to consider surgery. Two types of surgeries can be done: bunionectomy and arthrodeses. Bunionectomies remove the bone and tissue around the joint, while arthrodeses stabilize the joint without removing any tissue.

Recovery after Bunion Surgery

The recovery process after bunion surgery can be long and painful, but it’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions and take things easy. You should avoid going barefoot as much as possible, reducing the risk of relapse or other complications. When your doctor clears you for exercise again, take care not to overdo it by starting with short walks before working up to jogging or running. With time and patience, you’ll be back on your feet.

Tips to Avoid Postoperative Complications

  1. First, avoid activities that put unnecessary stress on your feet for the first few weeks following surgery. This means no running, no sports, and no strenuous activity.
  2. Second, take care of your incisions. Keep them clean and dry to prevent infection.
  3. Third, wear the correct footwear. Your surgeon will likely prescribe a special shoe or boot to wear after surgery. It is important to wear this as directed to avoid further complications.


Overall, bunion surgery and treatment are quite effective. The main goal of treatment is to relieve pain and improve the foot’s appearance. Various surgical options are available, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The type of surgery that is best for you will depend on your bunion’s severity, age, activity level, and other factors.


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